How A Jewelry Appraisal Can Help Defuse A Stepmother-Related Estate Fight


You never had any problems with your stepmother until your father passed away and it was time to distribute his estate. Now, she is going wild and demanding all of the jewelry in the home. You don't think that is fair – and it's probably not – so you should get a jewelry appraisal to ensure she doesn't boss her way into getting all the jewelry. Why Stepmothers Often Cause Many Estate Fights 

12 October 2018

Who Will Get Your Jewelry?


Are you a person who likes to plan ahead? For example, do you start your Christmas shopping months before that holiday arrives? If you are an organizer, then you are more than likely already planning your own funeral and you might even be working on your will. Part of the division of your personal belongings might include the gift of your jewelry. From making a list to arranging for jewelry repair services, here are some things that might help you as you leave your jewelry behind at the time of your death.

16 July 2018